Try These....
Tummy Activities
~Start by filling up the tub with 2-3 inches of water
~Have your child lay on their tummy and have them use a squirt toy to make bubbles.
~Then have the child imitate the toy and blow bubbles on their own.
~While they are still on their tummy, have them practice kicking their feet.
~Next try having them put their nose in the water, you can ask them" can you tickle your nose in the water?"
~Once they can put their mouth and nose in the water, ask them to hide their eyes in the water.
~If your child is able to do all these skills, you can fill the bath water to the level of their belly button. Have them sit on their knees, blow bubbles, tickle their nose and hide their eyes.
*These tips are a fun way to help the child get comfortable with putting their entire face in the water.
*Using toys in the bathtub is helpful when showing your child how to do certain skills and allows them to imitate their favorite toys.
Back Activities
~Have your child lay flat on their back and kick their feet
~Next, have your child lay on their back in the bathtub with their ears under water while you count to 10, do this 3 times.
~Another way to do this is to put your hand on the back of their head and have them lay back until their ears are under water. If your child can do this without a problem then try having them float on their back. You can place your hands under their neck and lower back if needed.
*Floating on your back can sometimes be a tough skill for kids to learn. If you practice with them in the bath they will be more relaxed when learning the skill in the pool.
~Allow your kids to splash their hands and toys in the water so their face gets wet.
~Have your child pour water over their head and let the water drip down their face.(No soap)
~Let your child shower with you by either holding or having them stand with their face under the shower head. This gets the child used to the feeling of coming up and out of the pool.
*The shower gets kids used to having water in their eyes. This helps prevent them from coming out of the water and frantically wiping their eyes in the pool.
*Kids love for the parents to do these activities with them, so jump on in! If you have a big enough tub or choose to use the shower, you can have the child pour water over your head or you can show them how to get their face and head wet.
Final Tips
~Talk with your children about water safety, include the pool and the bath in these discussions. This is a great time to talk about your own personal rules like not allowing the children to turn on the water in the bathtub.
~Make it a routine! You can have your child do these activities every night during bath time before they shampoo.
~Start now, so when your Kidtastics swim instructor comes, your child can progress even faster.
**These tips can be used year round and you can practice all these activities with your kids no matter what age**
Let us know how they work.
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