Thursday, October 21, 2010

CPR Classes at Home

Do you ever wonder what you would do if you were at home alone with your children and there was a medical emergency that required you to perform CPR? The answer is simple call 9-1-1 and begin CPR, if necessary. Now what if you aren't CPR certified and have the knowledge to perform CPR? You would wait until 9-1-1 arrives. This could be the difference of life or death for your child. Don't wait become CPR certified today and learn life saving skills. Kidtastics knows it is very difficult for parent's to find the time to take the CPR ceritification classes, but what if Kidtastics brought the CPR class to you, in your own home? Kidtastics is now offering Mobile CPR Classes at your home. Gather your neighbors and schedule a CPR class now. Become prepared to prevent emergencies and save lives. Minimum number of participants 4, Maximum 6. Please call for futher details 480.994.KIDS (5437).

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